MX Sports Pro Racing

2020 COVID-19 Paddock Mitigation, Health and Safety Plan

Monday, August 3, 2020 | 8:35 AM


Date: 7.24.20

  1. Participant Safety
    a. “Participants” are defined as credentialed riders, crew members, rider guests, officials and media.
    b. Credentials. Riders are allotted (2) crew and (2) guest credentials and must purchase them through their online Rider Profile. Top 10 riders from 2019 may obtain (2) complimentary guest credentials by contacting [email protected].  Team credentials are available through the Team Packages.
    c. Participants must maintain a 6-foot physical distance from others whenever possible.
    d. Signage for COVID-19 awareness and prevention, PPE and hand sanitizer will be available throughout the Paddock. Participants should wash their hands often, use hand sanitizer and not touch their face (eyes, nose or mouth) without washing their hands.  Handwashing stations and hand sanitizer will be available throughout the Paddock.  Participants should not shake hands with anyone.
    e. Stay @ Home Instructions:
      i. Participants should take their own temperature before leaving home. Persons with a temperature of at least 100.4° have a fever and are instructed to stay home, unless testing negative for COVID19.
      ii. Participants at high risk are instructed to stay home.
      iii. Participants who have had contact with someone diagnosed with having COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or themselves have had COVID-19 in the last 30 days are instructed to stay home.
    f. International riders desiring to compete under an FIM license must meet current federal visa and state and local quarantine restrictions.

  2. Paddock and Team Pits: MMZ
    a. The Paddock will be closed to the general public.
    b. Mandatory Mask Zone (“MMZ”). The Paddock is a mandatory mask zone, i.e., facemasks are required at all times in all areas, including the Mechanics Area, Staging Area, Starting Gate, Technical Inspection, etc.  Participants wearing helmets are not required to wear a facemask.  Complimentary facemasks will be available at the MX Sports Pro semi.
    c. Temperature Checks. Temperature checks will be conducted at the entrance of the Paddock for all participants. Participants with a temperature of at least 100.4° will be prohibited from entering the Paddock and must leave the venue immediately for the remainder of the event. Participants with a fever will not be permitted to return to the series without proof of a negative test for COVID19.  Persons who have been in immediate contact with persons identified with a fever, but who do not themselves have a fever, must remain in their work pod (explained below) and minimize contact with others, and will be retested throughout the day. 
    d. Work Pods. Each factory team and privateer rider will be assigned a paddock footprint or “work pod”. Unless going to/from the racetrack or race function area (Technical Inspection, Mechanics Area, Podium, etc.), participants must remain within their designated work pod, and Members of one team may not enter the work pod of another team.
    e. Essential Team Personnel. Only essential team personnel are permitted in a team’s work pod, i.e., riders, crew members and immediate family members, as approved by the Team Manager. Team Managers must provide MXS with their list of essential team personnel no later than the Wednesday before each event.  Teams are responsible to restrict access to their own work pod and should report any violation to MXS officials immediately.
    f. Industry Support Personnel. Industry support personnel, i.e., goggle, helmet, gear and tire representatives, are not deemed essential team personnel, and are prohibited from entering a team/rider work pod.  Teams/riders may set up a “Drop Off” table adjacent to their work pod for the delivery/pick-up of gear by industry support personnel. Industry Support Personnel will be granted credentials on a case-by-case basis.
    g. Personal Doctors/Trainers. Private doctors, including chiropractors and physical therapists, and trainers that service multiple riders on different teams, will be required to provide their services from their own work pod located in an area adjacent to the MMU as designated by MXS.  Doctors/Trainers with multiple patients will be prohibited from moving from work pod to work pod to provide services and will be required to exercise proper personal hygiene and sanitation protocols between patients/clients.
    h. Agents. Under the circumstances, rider agents are not deemed essential team personnel and are prohibited from entering a team work pod. 
    i. Media. Media are prohibited from visiting factory or privateer work pods.  For further information on Media instructions, see Section 10 below.
    j. The use of side awnings for team tents will be left to the discretion of the individual team.
    k. Caterers. Outside caterers are prohibited from entering the Paddock.  Arrangements must be made for catered food to be picked up at the Paddock entrance.
    l. No rides. Only one person per motorcycle; no ride sharing.
    m. Participants are prohibited from leaving or re-entering the Paddock after accessing the general public areas.
    n. Teams should have hand sanitizer available and displayed in their work pods.
    o. Autograph sessions are suspended.
    p. All teams must consult with the OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19.

  3. Technical Inspection/Impound: MMZ
    a. Technical inspection will be conducted under the MXS Race Office awning from 2 – 4 pm. Lines will be marked to maintain 6-foot physical distancing.
    b. Inspection Package. Mechanics will receive an Inspection Packet containing the following:
      i. Frame sticker
      ii. Practice sticker
      iii. Transponder with mounting instructions
      iv. Weekend Schedule
      v. Any other information deemed necessary by MXS
      vi. Motorcycles and riding gear will not be presented for inspection.
    c. Inspection Report. Mechanics must sign the Inspection Report acknowledging receipt of the Inspection Packet and agreeing to comply with all technical requirements.  Mechanics should bring their own pen for this purpose. 
    d. Post-Race Impound will be conducted in this area. Motorcycles will be presented one at a time and positioned 6-feet apart.  Mechanics may remain in the vicinity to monitor the motorcycles so long as social distancing is maintained.  Upon completion of impound, motorcycles will be released one at a time. 
    e. Transponders. Riders/Mechanics will be responsible to remove and return the transponder to the MXS Race Office at the end of the day.  A receptacle bucket will be positioned outside the office for transponder deposit.

  4. Riders Meeting
    a. Riders Meetings will be pre-recorded and will be available for online viewing after 6 pm Friday evening. Riders and crew members will be emailed a link to access the Riders Meeting video and are responsible for viewing the video.
    b. Updates will be issued via text Saturday morning @ 7:30 am and as necessary throughout the day.

  5. Staging Area: MMZ
    a. Staging Area is limited to 1 rider – 1 mechanic only. No other team member or industry support personnel permitted in this area.
    b. Riders must wear a facemask when not wearing a helmet.
    c. Motorcycles will be positioned 6-feet apart.
    d. Only one group will be staged at a time.
    e. TV may have access to this area for broadcast purposes.
    f. No other media permitted in this area.

  6. Start Gate: MMZ
    a. The area behind the Start Gate is limited to 1 rider – 1 mechanic only. No other team member or industry support personnel permitted in this area.
    b. Riders must wear a facemask when not wearing a helmet.
    c. TV may have access to this area for broadcast purposes.
    d. No other media permitted in this area.

  7. Mechanics Area: MMZ
    a. Mechanics Area is limited to 1 mechanic per rider. No other team member or industry support personnel permitted in this area.
    b. Authorized race teams may have 1 cart and 1 driver in this area. The cart driver must remain with the cart unless providing mechanical assistance.
    c. Mechanics may assist other riders in this area.
    d. TV staff may have access to this area for broadcast purposes.
    e. No other media permitted in this area.

  8. Team Manager Viewing Area and Infield Access: MMZ
    a. TM Viewing areas will be in locations that do not require team managers to access them via general public areas.
     b. Track Access. Team members with Track Access privileges will be required to wear facemasks.

  9. Podium
    a. The podium will be located in the Paddock.
    b. Podium Park Ferme’. The area behind the podium is the podium parc ferme’. The podium parc ferme’ will consist of (3) 10x10 Rider Stations equipped with 1 chair each.
    c. Only race officials, the top three riders, 1 team representative and 1 mechanic per rider may enter the podium parc ferme’. No other persons are authorized.
    d. Media members are prohibited from entering the podium parc ferme’.
    e. Team representatives must be prepared to provide drinking water for their own riders. Water and cool rags for immersion will be available at each Rider Station.
    f. The rider will hand off his motorcycle to the mechanic and the mechanic will immediately take the machine to Impound. Motorcycles will not be displayed on the podium.
    g. Riders will remain in the podium parc ferme’ with their team representative until called to the podium for interview.
    h. Interviews will be conducted on the podium maintaining a 6-foot physical distance.
    i. Riders will enter the podium from stage left and exit stage right.
    j. Riders will be interviewed one at a time and will stand on a designated mark.
    k. Riders will pick up a sanitized trophy for a photo opportunity.
    l. Series points leaders will autograph the red #1 plate with a sanitized marker.
    m. Team carts may have access to the area adjacent to the parc ferme’ to transport riders back to their work pod.
    n. Champagne sprays for photo opportunity will be at the discretion of the rider.
    o. Microphones will be sanitized after each use.
    p. The podium parc ferme’ will be sanitized after each moto.

  10. Media
    a. Media are prohibited from visiting factory or privateer work pods.
    b. Media Days are suspended until further notice. With the exception of Round 1, Loretta Lynn’s, there will be no organized on-track pro activity on Friday.  Select riders may be asked to participate in virtual or digital media interviews with local media.  These interviews will be arranged in advance with rider representatives.
    c. Round 1 Ride Day. The track will be available to all registered racers from 1 pm to 3 pm on Friday for (2) 15-minute sessions each as follows:
     - 1:00 & 2:00       250B  
     - 1:15 & 2:15       250A
     - 1:30 & 2:30       450A
     - 1:45 & 2:45       450B
    d. Post-Race Press Conferences will be conducted via Zoom or online virtual meeting at 8 pm the evening of the race. The Top 3 riders per class, as well as any other rider requested by the Media Manager must participate in the virtual press conference.
    e. Media will be invited to participate in the Zoom Press Conference as arranged with the Series Media Manager, Brandon Short.

  11. Mobile Medic Unit (MMU)
    a. Maximum capacity for the MMU is 10.
    b. Access to the MMU is restricted. Persons seeking medical care will initially be assessed outside the unit in a pre-admission area before being authorized to enter the MMU.
    c. Only patients and medical providers will be permitted in the MMU. Family and crew members must remain outside.
    d. All persons in the MMU must wear facemasks or as instructed by medical providers.
    e. Medical team members will change gloves, wash hands and sanitize area after each patient, and will otherwise exercise proper personal hygiene and sanitation protocols.
    f. Isolation Station. An Isolation Station suitable for medical evaluation and isolation of symptomatic individuals will be positioned near the MMU.  Participants who feel sick must immediately report to this area for further evaluation and instruction.
  12. Signage
    Signage that will be used throughout the Paddock to enforce social distancing and educate people on proper personal hygiene include: