Paddock & Event Operations


Weekend Schedule
Authorized Vehicles
Race Filming
Promotional & Hospitality Activities
Event Operations
Podium Procedure
Post-Race Press Conference
Safety & Security
Transport Vehicle Safety


Media Days:

Media Days will be conducted on Fridays before events.  Only invited riders/teams may participate in Media Days.                                   

9 am                            Factory Team Parking 

9 am - 5 pm               Industry Services/Pro Will Call open
9 am                           Paddock open to Credential Holders
9 am                           Team Parking
9:30 am - 4 pm          Privateer Parking (or 15 min. after Team parking)
10 am - 4 pm             Media Center open for Working Media
12 pm - 3 pm            Technical Control - All Riders or their Mechanics
1 pm – 2pm              Media Sessions – @ MXPro Office followed by on track activity
5 pm - 6 pm              Track Inspection - Registered Team Carts permitted
11 pm                         Paddock closed to everyone

6 am                            Paddock open to Credential Holders
7 am - 2 pm                 Industry Services/Pro Will Call
7 am – 7 pm                Media Center open for Working Media
7:15 - 7:30 am             Riders Meeting @ AMA Race Office
7:30 am                       Chapel Service @ AMA Race Office
8 am – end                  Practice/Racing
End of Racing              Post-Race Press Conference @ Media Center
                                      Media Corral @ MX Sports Pro Racing Office

Communication with Teams:

New for 2025: We are implementing the Sportity app for more streamlined and structured communication with our teams. The app will contain Schedules, Track Maps, and other pertinent event information, and is the same app currently used in Supercross. 

To access Sportity: 

  • Download the Sportity App in either the App Store or Google Play Store
  • When prompted for “Event Code” input “SMXLeague1”
    This will give you access to all 31 events.


Season vs. Event Credentials:

  • A Season Credential is a hard card; an Event Credential is a wristband.
  • Credentials must be worn and clearly visible at all times while in the Paddock, on the racetrack or within the venue, and only by the individual to whom it was issued.
  • Your credential is your responsibility; it is non-transferable and may not be traded, given away or sold.
  • Anyone who counterfeits, forges, or alters a credential (with the intent to defraud) is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to prosecution under applicable laws.
  • MXS reserves the right to revoke credentials at any time for any or no reason. Only credentials issued by MXS in its sole and absolute discretion are valid.
  • Anyone violating this policy will be subject to removal/eviction from the venue, suspension from the Series and prosecution under applicable laws. 

Infield Access Pass:

  • The track infield is a restricted area.
  • Infield Access Pass is a special armband reserved for authorized technical crew members only. A hard card, crew band or Signal Pass DOES NOT provide infield access to crew members.  Crew members violating this policy may have their crew and/or team credentials revoked.
  • Infield Access Pass is non-transferable and provides infield access only - not gate admission.
  • Persons granted infield access must comply with the following restrictions:
    • Must be an adult (18 years+)
    • Must maintain a minimum 10-foot distance from the edge of the track at all times
    • Do not stand on jumps, tunnel jumps or near jump landings
    • Do not cross the track during the race or at any time bikes are on the track
    • Do not provide mechanical assistance to riders
    • Do not interfere with or block TV camera views or angles
    • Do not cheer, wave or signal riders
    • Must wear appropriate team attire, including closed-toe footwear
    • Must display both the official credential AND track access band
    • Must comply with all directions given by AMA race officials and/or MXS staff 


  • Any person accessing the venue without the proper credential or assisting someone to do so will be deemed to trespass and may be subject to prosecution under applicable laws.
  • Designated Paddock entrances must be used when entering the Paddock.
  • Any person found breaking, climbing over, opening the fence, or otherwise entering the Paddock at a non-designated Paddock entrance will be subject to prosecution and removal.


Speed Limit: The speed limit in the Paddock for all vehicles (including motorcycles) is 13 MPH. 

Hard Card / Rental Car Lot: Hard card (season credential) holders with rental/personal vehicles may park in the designated Rental Car Lot located adjacent to the Paddock.  Parking for other guests is in the public parking areas and will not be free of charge.  Neither lot is secured. 

Personal Vehicles: Personal and non-transport vehicles may not be parked in the Paddock without a Parking Pass, i.e., cars, trucks, vans, etc., including those towed behind motor coaches. Only transport vehicles and authorized rental/personal vehicles (designated with a special parking pass issued by MXS) will be permitted in the Paddock. 

Rider Motor Coaches: Each OEM will be permitted to park one motor coach next to its semi. In addition, current class champions may park their motor coach next to their team semi. All other motor coaches, tour buses and rider RV’s will be directed to a suitable location within the Paddock as designated by MXS.  All vehicles parked in the Paddock must vent the generator exhaust to the top of their unit so as not to interfere with their neighbor. 

Rider Unloading: On Friday only, Team personnel may bring vehicles into the Paddock for the limited purpose of unloading equipment, gear, groceries, etc. The driver of the vehicle must leave his season credential with the Security Guard at the Paddock entrance and will have a maximum of 30 minutes to unload and exit the Paddock. Credentials will be returned when the vehicle exits the Paddock. 

Team Area / Space:

  • MXS shall determine team/rider parking locations in its sole and absolute discretion, consistent with the following order: (1) Factory Teams, (2) Factory Support Teams, and (3) Privateers.
  • The Team area or space (“Team Space”) is defined as the area in the Paddock of the event Venue assigned to a team by MXS.
  • The dimensions of the Team Space are determined by the total length of the vehicle/transporter from the nose to the end of the lift gate and vehicle/awning width, with the understanding that the length shall not exceed one hundred ten (110) feet, the width shall not exceed thirty (30) feet, and the maximum height shall not exceed fourteen feet (14’). Use of additional space is prohibited without the prior written consent of MXS.
  • All team sponsor displays must be contained within the Team Space and behind team skirting. Awnings, umbrellas, tents, and other equipment may not be placed outside the allotted Team Space for any purpose, including displaying, exhibiting, or marketing to or by team sponsors.
  • Specific venues may require unique paddock layouts and may accordingly limit the use of team awnings, umbrellas, tents or other equipment.
  • There shall only be one (1) Team Transporter permitted for each team. Additional transporters, straight trucks, fifth wheel trailers, box vans, hospitality units or other vehicles are prohibited without the prior written approval of MXS in its sole and absolute discretion.  The following teams have hospitality transporters: Honda, KTM, Star Racing and Husqvarna.

Team Carts: 

  • Premier and Feature Teams will be granted the privilege of using a Team Cart.
  • Any approved Team Cart must have a cart pass issued by MXS.
  • Team Carts must be used for work purposes only – food, equipment, crew, and rider transportation.
  • Approved Team Carts may access the Paddock and Signal Areas.
  • Team Carts may be used for track inspection on Friday evening between the hours designated above only.
  • On race day, Team carts will not be permitted to leave the Paddock after 10:00 am and may not enter the general spectator area, the racetrack or infield areas at any time, for any purpose.
  • Otherwise, the use of “pit vehicles” is strictly prohibited.

Team Vehicles: Each OEM will be allowed one “team” vehicle in their assigned Team Space, with the following restrictions:

  • Team vehicles must display a “Team Vehicle Pass”.
  • Vehicles must display prominent Team logos similar to those displayed on the Team Transporter. Vehicles with Team Sponsor only graphics will not be permitted.
  • Exotic vehicles and vehicles without graphics are not considered team vehicles and must park in the rental car lot.
  • Vehicles cannot display an MSRP window sticker at any time.
  • Teams are responsible for the contents of their own team vehicle and should keep all doors and trunks closed and locked.
  • Vehicles shall remain parked until the end of the race


Onboard Cameras:

Onboard Cameras may be used based upon application and approval only.  Riders with approved onboard cameras may have unlimited use of all video content for internal engineering and rider support purposes, and limited use of “on-track” video content for social media purposes, in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by MX Sports in the application.  All such footage shall remain the exclusive property of MXS, which shall be given access to said footage for any purpose upon request.  Any camera or recording device mounted to the helmet is prohibited.  To request Onboard Camera approval, apply HERE. 

Factory Filming:

Official Race Teams may request authorization for the use of video equipment during practice for self-contained Team use ONLY.  Filming may be done for equipment and/or rider development purposes ONLY and may not be used for social media or any other distribution sources.  Filming or distribution for purposes other than for internal team use is PROHIBITED.  The track infield is a restricted area reserved for technical crew members only, and those given access is subject to the restrictions above.  Only crew members who have been issued MXS credentials may have access to the infield for video purposes.  

Industry Filming:

In order to accommodate the growing interest in producing personalized media content, MXS will authorize Industry Filming for parties that do not qualify for media access, i.e., riders, teams, and other affiliates. Industry Filming provides approval for filming track activity with limited access, upon the expressed written approval of MXS. Approval is required for ANY filming of on-track activity. Apply HERE.


Autograph Materials / Sessions:

Paddock autographs may be conducted at the discretion of riders/teams. 


The distribution or sale of any merchandise is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of MXS.

Promotional & Product Items:

Distribution of promotional products and/or marketing materials in the Paddock must be approved by MXS.


Sampling of any products, food or beverage (including energy drinks) in the Paddock must be approved by MXS.

Hospitality / Catering Activities:

  • Any catering activities require the prior approval of MXS and are subject to the applicable Venue regulations governing such activities, and if approved, shall be performed at the sole cost and expense of the Team. Moreover, Teams may be required to utilize the Venue’s designated caterer for any such catering or food-related hospitality activities, unless specific permission is granted.
  • Within the Team Space only, food and non-alcoholic beverages may only be served to team guests that possess appropriate credentials as provided by MXS.
  • No food or beverages of any kind may be distributed or served to spectators, fans, or other individuals without the prior written approval of MXS.
  • Any on-site food preparation must meet all applicable local, state or federal guidelines and health code regulations, and Teams shall be strictly responsible for fully complying with all such regulations.
  • If Teams are permitted to engage in any catering or sampling activities, such Teams shall do so with the understanding and agreement that they must indemnity, defend and hold MXS harmless with respect to any and all claims, lawsuits, and causes of actions and/or damages, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with such activities.
  • All catering/hospitality activities shall be conducted within the Team Space specifically designated by MXS for such activities.


Sanctioning Body and Race Officials

AMA Pro Racing is the official sanctioning body for Pro Motocross.

The American Motorcyclist Association (“AMA”) will serve as race officials for Pro Motocross. 

Technical Control/Impound:

  • All Technical Control/Impound will be conducted at the AMA Race Office.
  • The following items must be presented to Technical Control:
    • Motorcycle - for frame stamping and transponder mounting
    • Helmet - for verification of Eject emergency removal system
    • Race Jersey - for verification of official logo placement
  • Post-Race Impound. The Top 3 motorcycles per class per moto must be presented to Impound immediately after their respective 2nd moto, or when leaving the race event prior to completion of the 2nd moto. Mechanics may remain in the vicinity to monitor the inspection.  Upon completion of impound, motorcycles will be released. 
  • Riders/Mechanics will be responsible for removing and returning transponders to the AMA Race Office at the end of the day.  A receptacle bucket will be positioned outside the office for transponder returns. 

Staging Area:

  • Staging Area is limited to 1 rider – 1 mechanic only. No other team members or industry support personnel are permitted in this area.
  • Only one group will be staged at a time.

Start Gate:

  • The area behind the Start Gate is limited to 1 rider – 1 mechanic only. No other team members or industry support personnel are permitted in this area.
  • Media are permitted in front of the Start Gate as directed by race officials. 

Signal Area:

  • Signal Area is limited to 1 mechanic per rider. No other team members or industry support personnel are permitted in this area.
  • Authorized race teams may have 1 cart and 1 driver in this area. The cart driver must remain with the cart unless providing mechanical assistance.
  • Mechanics may assist other riders in this area.
  • Media may have access to this area but may not enter under the tents and must maintain a safe and reasonable distance away from the mechanics.

Team Manager Viewing:

Only approved Team Managers may access the MEC Team Manager Tower. 

Wash Stations:

Currently, RedBud and Ironman have permanent Paddock Wash Stations available to all riders.  Riders/Teams washing at their rigs must ensure that the water does not drain into another team’s space. 


All podium interviews will be conducted simultaneously for live TV (Peacock and/or NBC) and to the house (i.e., the local PA system at the track).  This applies for both classes. 

In General:

  • As a rule of thumb, only riders who finish in the top 3 will be called to the podium. All other interviews will be conducted behind the podium.
  • Riders and crew members must refrain from using foul or offensive language on or behind the podium
  • Race gear attire (jersey, pants and boots) required for all podium interviews
  • The area behind the podium and under the tents is a Restricted Area. Only riders and their personal attendants/team members are permitted in this area.
  • For the privacy and recovery of the riders, we request that personal attendants/team members be limited to no more than four per rider.
  • Personal attendants/team members must remain cognizant of the media and avoid blocking their view of the riders.
  • Family members are encouraged to congratulate their riders but must then step aside out of the way of the media so as not to block their view.
  • Only TV is allowed under the tents behind the podium. No other media is allowed under the tents.
  • TV has priority over all other media.
  • Special photo requests will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis. 

Fastest Qualifier:

Rider will ride motorcycle directly onto podium for interview

Moto I:

  • The Top 3 finishers will ride off the track and proceed to the back of the podium
  • Riders will be called one-by-one to walk up onto the stage for TV / podium interviews
  • Bikes are not used for these interviews and mechanics are encouraged to take them back to team haulers as soon as possible for Moto 2 prep
  • TV may request finishers outside the top 3 if there is a special story or unique situation where an interview is warranted (generally uncommon during the first motos, but always possible) 

Moto 2:

  • The top 3 overall finishers will ride off the track and proceed to the back of the podium, or if directed, to the front of the podium
  • If directed to the front of the podium, riders will drop their bikes and walk to the back of the podium
  • The Top 3 overall motorcycles will be placed on the stands provided in front of the podium at ground level, utilizing a 2-1-3 order, from left to right
  • The Top 3 overall finishers will be interviewed on the podium one at a time, followed by any other riders who finished in the top 3 during the second moto or any other special interest interviews
  • Riders not finishing in the top 3 will be interviewed behind the podium
  • Upon completion of all interviews, Mechanics will bring the bikes up onto the podium and arrange them in a 2-1-3 order (for fans facing the podium, 2nd place is on the left, 1st place is in the middle and 3rd place is on the right side).
  • The Top 3 overall riders will be called back to the podium for trophy presentation and champagne spray
  • The overall winner will autograph the podium backdrop for charity auction


  • Post-Race Press Conferences will be conducted in person from the Media Center immediately following the final moto of the event. These conferences will feature the overall podium finishers from each respective class. A designated window of 15 minutes will be reserved for each class.
  • The class that completes its second moto first will be the first group of podium finishers called to the Press Conference, which will tentatively begin at 5:45pm local time. The second group featuring the podium finishers from the other class will tentatively begin their conference at 6:00pm local time.
  • At the conclusion of the Press Conference, the Media Corral session will commence at the MXPro Office for 60 minutes, beginning at approximately 5:45pm local time. The Media Corral serves as an opportunity for both podium-finishers and non-podium finishers to conduct one-on-one interviews with attending media.
  • Riders must dress appropriately. 
  • Riders who finish on the podium are expected to participate in the Press Conference and must arrange their travel accordingly.


Emergencies: MXS recognizes the inherent risks associated with professional motorsports events and the possibility of emergency incidents that might involve participants or spectators, in addition to the concerns for conducting events in all types of weather conditions. In the event of an emergency, responses will, when possible, be conducted in accordance with the MXS Incident Response & Inclement Weather protocol that is available for review upon request.   

Paddock Security: Venue will provide continuous paddock security from Friday 9:00 am through Saturday 8:00 pm. However, Venue cannot secure people or personal property from all circumstances and is not responsible for losses or damages.  All credentialed participants are reminded that each rider and team is responsible for the safety of their staff and associated guests within the Venue grounds and for the security of all rider and team property, vehicles and equipment used during/over the course of an event.

Severe Weather: MXS utilizes a variety of methods and programs for monitoring local weather conditions during each event. MXS will use our best effort to keep teams informed of any imminent severe weather conditions; however, all participants are responsible for monitoring local weather conditions at all times, and each rider and team is responsible for anchoring, removing or disassembling any temporary structures in their immediate Team Space during times of extreme or severe weather conditions. Information on monitoring local weather conditions is available at  



  • All participants must be prepared to address the use of any temporary structures adjacent to transport vehicles, including awnings, tarps, tents or any other structures, during all weather conditions. For example, awnings should not be used for shelter in a windstorm and should be evacuated in the event of high winds.  Extra precautions should be taken when staking down tents and awnings in bad weather.
  • All transport vehicles (if applicable) require a LETTER OF CERTIFICATION that tents are flame retardant and a LETTER OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY. Without these letters present or attached, the fire marshal may require removal of the tent or structure.
  • California requires a special flame-retardant certification seal to be attached to the awning. This may change from year to year, and we suggest you check with the state of California before purchasing a new awning.
  • Cooking and/or grilling under tents/awnings is prohibited.

Fire Extinguishers:   ALL transport vehicles must have OSHA-approved ABC40 class fire extinguishers in their approved Team Space, and all team staff and working volunteers must be familiar with the location and operation of all fire extinguishers.

Fire & Safety Plan:

  • Vehicles parked in the Paddock overnight should be accompanied by team personnel with full access to the rig and the ability to remove it from the Paddock in the event of an emergency or designate an onsite representative with full access to the rig in the event of an emergency.
  • In the event of an emergency, MXS representatives will contact the Team Manager and/or Driver for purposes of rig removal and will make every effort to secure the surrounding area and protect people and property.
  • Teams/Riders must fully cooperate with local Fire Marshal and/or Fire Departments at all times. Failure to fully comply may subject violators to prosecution under applicable laws, as well as fine and/or penalty from MXS.

Flammable/Hazardous Substances: Teams and working employees should be aware of and comply with all local, state and federal requirements regarding the use, storage and transportation of flammable and hazardous substances, including race fuels and related aerosols, chemicals and lubricants.  All teams/riders should display a “NO SMOKING” sign within the confines of their paddock area.  This can be easily accomplished by attaching a sign to the door or side of the transport vehicles. 

Ladders: Any ladders used to install awnings should be used in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 3124-12R 2003) and meet current OSHA requirements for industrial ladders. 

Liftgates:  At all times when liftgates are in operation, an on-the-ground “spotter” should be present to notify any individual on the liftgate when they might be exposed to risk of falling and to ensure that the movement of the liftgate does not endanger individuals on the ground in the immediate area. In addition, wheel chocks or other restricting device should be used to prohibit items on the liftgate from moving or falling off.

Transporter Roof Access: Individuals should not stand, view, sit or spectate from the roof areas of transporters, unless those areas are enclosed with OSHA-approved guardrails, and further unless such access to these areas by either ladder or liftgate meets all state and federal OSHA guidelines.  In addition, at any time an individual is required to access the rooftop of a transport vehicle, e.g., to install/remove awnings, fall protection equipment should be used and an on-the-ground spotter present to provide the same instructions as referenced above while using liftgates.  OSHA regulations require guardrails for elevated locations of more than four feet. However, where DOT guidelines restrict the use of guardrails, a fall arrest protection system should be installed on the roof of the transporter to harness or tether a person to the roof.

OSHA:  In the past, our events have been visited by inspectors from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a division of the U.S. Department of Labor.  During these visits, OSHA inspectors have identified areas of concern regarding the on-the-job activities of our teams and their associated staff.   Although MXS is not the employer of or responsible for these team members or their staff, we encourage all Teams to be familiar with and comply with all OSHA regulations and general work-place safety policies.  OSHA regulations are available online at

Temporary Structures:  

  • The use of temporary structures or displays in the Paddock is the sole responsibility of each rider and team. MXS does not assume any responsibility for the use, placement or structural integrity of any temporary structures used by event participants.

Trash / Fuel / Oil / Coolant Dumping: 

  • All trash must be disposed of in approved containers in accordance with applicable laws.
  • The dumping of fuel, motor oil, coolant, grey water, or black water in the Paddock or on Venue property is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to immediate eviction from both the Paddock and Venue and fine by MXS and may be subject to prosecution under applicable law.
  • It is the responsibility of each Team to determine and comply with the rules and regulations of each Venue.


In addition to the penalties set forth above, penalties for violation of these Paddock Guidelines may include:

  • 1st offense: written warning to the team referencing the guideline(s) violated.
  • 2nd offense: loss of premium parking for the Team and all related vehicles and equipment for the next event following such violation.
  • 3rd offense: loss of premium parking for the Team and all related vehicles and equipment for the next three (3) events following such violation.
  • Any subsequent violations: the Team and all related vehicles and equipment will be placed in the back of the Paddock for the remainder of the season, and Team sponsor activations/displays of any type will be prohibited.