Monday, April 26, 2021 | 4:25 PM

TO: 2021 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Competitors and Crew Members

FROM: MX Sports Pro Racing

DATE: April 26, 2021


2021 Rules for Professional Motocross Competition

The 2021 AMA Pro Racing Rules for Professional Motocross Competition are now available for public viewing by clicking HERE.

Notable changes include:

Section 2.7 - Addition of language regarding the use of a video riders meeting in place of in person riders meeting, and penalties for failure to attend or view riders meeting.

Section 2.10 ii. - Addition of language to the “Wheels-On-Ground” Flag to include the red and white flashing lights.

Section 2.14 c - Addition of language allowing the Race Director to modify practice groups.

Appendix B section B5 - Addition of language as to when “in competition” begins.

Appendix B section B6 - Addition of language for the sample collection.

Appendix B section B11a - Addition of language regarding penalties.

Appendix B section B16 - Addition of section regarding Whistle Blowers.

Please direct all questions to Jeff Canfield, Race Director at [email protected].