MX Sports Pro Racing

Spring Creek National

Spring Creek MX Park - Millville, MN

July 12, 2025

Motocross Racing is a family activity, and one of the most exciting features is the opportunity to camp out and have fun with your family and friends. However, if you are staying overnight in an RV or vehicle, or using a generator, you need to be aware of the dangers of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning. CO is a poisonous, colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that can be released when burning gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane or wood.

Mind your vehicle and generator exhaust while in close proximity to your family and neighbors. Do not place your generator directly under a slide-out or under your vehicle, where the fumes can seep into the camper. Make sure all exhaust fumes are properly and fully vented, so that they do not become trapped or seep into your sleeping quarters. When sleeping in a van, car or truck, make sure the exhaust is unobstructed if you run the engine for heat. Even when sleeping outdoors under the stars, make sure you are not too close to an exhaust. Devastating consequences can result without proper ventilation.

What to do if you suspect someone has been poisoned:

When you suspect CO poisoning, promptly taking the following actions can save lives:

  • Move the victim immediately to fresh air in an open area
  • Call 911 and notify track officials immediately.
  • Administer CPR if the victim has stopped breathing. (Be careful not to expose yourself to fatal levels of CO poisoning when administering CPR).

Know the dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. For more information, please visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency page on Carbon Monoxide.

Camping FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Camping. For more information on the Spring Creek National, please call (507) 753-2779.

What is the difference between Fan Camping and Preferred Camping?
Preferred Camping is generally located much closer to the track and tends to have more families.

Is camping based on reservations or first-come basis?
In order to get all of the campers parked in a safe and orderly fashion, camping is first-come.

Are there electric or water hook ups for RVs?
No. All camping is primitive.

If we elect to camp, what time do we need to be out of the camping spot on Sunday?
10 am.

Any other questions or needs can be directed to [email protected].

Handicap or Special Needs requests can be directed to [email protected].